Survey Terms
The following are definitions of some of the most common surveying terms and procedures used by LandSource, as well as more information about some of the services we provide.
ALTA / ACSM Surveys
An ALTA / ACSM is a survey performed to specific guidelines set forth by the American Land Title Association and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, and is performed primarily for businesses in order for the particular property to be insured. An extensive title search for the property is usually done in conjunction with the survey in order to ensure that there will be no further conflict with any adjoining property owners or utility companies.
Boundary Retracement Surveys
Boundary Surveys are one of the more common services that LandSource provides for its clients. In addition to locating the client’s property corners, we can provide a plat or map of the subject property and do legal descriptions (descriptions as they are written in deeds for the transfer of property). The above-mentioned plat is also a legal document that can be recorded to help ensure that there is no further dispute as to where the boundary is and who the rightful owner is.
Boundary Disputes – Expert Witness Testimony
From time to time, our company is called to provide expert witness testimony in court cases involving a dispute over boundary lines. If we survey the subject property and come to a different conclusion than another surveyor as to the location of a specific boundary, then we are prepared to testify.
Topographic Mapping
Topographic surveys involve the determination of the shape and location of the ground and the location of both natural and artificial features on the ground. These surveys are often used for purposes of developing a piece of property to aid in determination of surface drainage of water on the property, location of large natural features, footprints of existing buildings, etc., so that design of proposed development will be facilitated in every degree.
Major Subdivisions
Major subdivisions involve the location of the boundary of the property and subsequent division of that property into three or more tracts of land. This often involves lot design, lot layout, and the location of streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, proposed utilities and other necessary services.
Minor Subdivisions
Minor subdivisions involve the location of the boundary of the property and subsequent division of that property into less than three tracts of land. These types of surveys are often used to deed a piece of property to a family member. Minor subdivisions typically do not require as much in-the-field work as a major subdivision as they are generally small jobs. In addition to the subdivision, we can provide a plat or map of the subject property and do legal descriptions (descriptions as they are written in deeds for the transfer of property). The above-mentioned plat is also a legal document that can be recorded to help ensure that there is no further dispute as to where the boundary is and who the rightful owner is.
Development Plans
Development plans are plans that must be submitted before a governing body (such as your local city planning and zoning commission) in order to get approval for development. These are often extensive surveys that require the location of all existing improvements on the property in addition to design work for proposed development. The plans are required in many areas for many types of development.
Construction Staking
Construction staking involves the layout of buildings, roads, curb, utilities, railroads, etc. We have many jobs in and around the Baton Rouge region currently involving construction staking. LandSource has also worked on several subdivisions that involved the layout of roads, curbs and gutters.
Volume Calculations
Volume calculations are primarily used in landfills in order to determine how much waste has already been placed in the landfill and to aid in the determination of when a new cell must be constructed for the landfill.
Computer Aided Drafting
LandSource uses AutoCAD 2004 and Eaglepoint software to do all of its CAD work. We will do any drafting work in related fields including plotting deeds, transferring hard copy drawings of buildings, etc., to digital format and anything else within the scope of our profession.